This Old Man

I love Columbo. More than two years ago I checked the Wikipedia article of this series and read that Columbo has no theme.

But there is an unofficial signature tune that comes across from time to time. Sometimes is played by one instrument, sometimes an orchestra and sometimes Columbo is whistling it.

The tune is “This Old Man“. I created a dance version of it. I grouped some verses together and added a happy synth melody between them.

Stream it here:
Apple Music
Amazon Music
YouTube Music

Buy it here:

Categorized as Music, Own


In 2021 the sea shanty “Wellerman” was very famous. Delphina Sato and I decided to create an own version.

It took many months to finalise: We searched for a singer, did a lot of changes and worked in the meantime on more important projects. The search for a singer was not successful. At the end I sang it

Also I created a club remix where I am very proud of.

End of October everything was finished and we decided to release it on Christmas Eve.

Categorized as Music, Own

Vaccines ARE the Joker

In our music group Delphina Sato came to me and asked if I know “Greensleeves“. The name said nothing to me. But when I heard the music I recognized that it is well known. We worked together on a dance version. As it was finished I said that we need some lyrics. So we brainstormed independent and wrote our ideas in a shared document. I can exactly remember when I had the idea for the first lines. I drove with my son’s motorbike to the yearly checkup. In my head I had the final track. And somewhere on the road I sang the first lines under my helmet. I stoped and typed everything into my phone. During the next days I finalized the lyrics and presented it. We decided to take my version for this final product.


Vaccines ARE the Joker

COVID-19 is a global pain
started in East Asia and spread out by plane.
Many people got infected and ill.
Doctors and nurses had no time to chill.

All explorers analysed the genes.
Day and night they searched for drugs and vaccines.
Experts said vaccines will be the joker.
With them soon the pandemic will be over.

As time goes by the virus mutates.
For full covering you need two jab dates.
Saving teens and children we need more speed
to prevent new waves and long COVID.

All explorers analysed the genes.
Day and night they searched for drugs and vaccines.
Experts said vaccines will be the joker (Vaccines ARE the Joker).
With them soon the pandemic will be over.

Vaccines ARE the Joker
Vaccines ARE the Joker
Vaccines ARE the Joker
Vaccines ARE the Joker
Vaccines ARE the Joker

Lyrics: Ralph Wudernitz

Categorized as Music, Own


It have been 20 years ago when I started working in my current company Capgemini.

To celebrate this I composed this song.

I created different versions:
-> a neutral version that can be used by everyone
-> 20 Years Version to celebrate my employment
-> Welcome Version to use it as a welcome message

Neutral Version:
Apple Music
YouTube Music

Video Neutral Version:

20 Years Version:

Video 20 Years Version:

Welcome Version:

Video Welcome Version:

Categorized as Music, Own

When Will I Be Vaccinated?

It was a comedy show in Austrian television on 9th of March 2021. They showed a short section of a local news show for Vienna. The lady said “Wann werde ich geimpft?” (= “When Will I Be Vaccinated?”).

My brain started immediately thinking about a song with this phrase.

Two days later I asked my colleagues with different native languages if the Google translated results are correct.

A weekend later I had a dance song with seven languages.


Categorized as Music, Own

Bday 2k21

In the year of 2019 I created on my iPhone a new birthday song.

This year I polished it up with my professional DAW and rearranged it.

It is my personal birthday present 😉


Categorized as Music, Own


I saw a documentation on TV about the history of Austria around and after the World War II. There was a school class that sang the song “Heidenröslein”. It was a popular folk song by Heinrich Werner based on music from Franz Schubert and on a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

I found a recording of “Das Meistersextett” a successor of the Comedian Harmonists from around 1934 and used the vocals to create a dance version of this song.


Categorized as Music, Own


I watched TV. An old episode of Columbo (“Suitable for Framing”) started with this song. I knew it but I could not identify it. Believe me or not, Shazam helped to google the result.

It is from FrĂ©dĂ©ric Chopin Étude Op. 10, No. 3. His critics gave it the name “Tristesse” (Sadness) or “Farewell” (L’Adieu).

I decided to name it Farewell. It does not sound so sad.


Categorized as Music, Own