Hollywood Perfect

The next remix challenge from LabelRadar. I selected “Hollywood Perfect” from Unknown Brain because it is a completely different genre I am normally listening to. I kept the speed of the vocals and duplicated the speed of the rhythm. The result is this very fast remix.



This is also a remix challenge from LabelRadar. I selected “Orbit” from Ellis because it is a completely different genre.


When Will I Be Vaccinated?

It was a comedy show in Austrian television on 9th of March 2021. They showed a short section of a local news show for Vienna. The lady said “Wann werde ich geimpft?” (= “When Will I Be Vaccinated?”).

My brain started immediately thinking about a song with this phrase.

Two days later I asked my colleagues with different native languages if the Google translated results are correct.

A weekend later I had a dance song with seven languages.


Categorized as Music, Own

Bday 2k21

In the year of 2019 I created on my iPhone a new birthday song.

This year I polished it up with my professional DAW and rearranged it.

It is my personal birthday present 😉


Categorized as Music, Own

Wind Power

The Austrian Wind Energy Association IG Windkraft presented a Remix-Contest. They published some vocals, texts and sound samples.

I picked out the vocals, pieces of wisdom and a recording of the windmill and created this song.



I saw a documentation on TV about the history of Austria around and after the World War II. There was a school class that sang the song “Heidenröslein”. It was a popular folk song by Heinrich Werner based on music from Franz Schubert and on a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

I found a recording of “Das Meistersextett” a successor of the Comedian Harmonists from around 1934 and used the vocals to create a dance version of this song.


Categorized as Music, Own