Wind Power

The Austrian Wind Energy Association IG Windkraft presented a Remix-Contest. They published some vocals, texts and sound samples.

I picked out the vocals, pieces of wisdom and a recording of the windmill and created this song.


All I Want for Xmas

I asked my colleagues in the USA which Christmas carols are well known and played on the radio. All of them answered “All I Want for Christmas is You” from Mariah Carey.

That was a mistake. Hours later, I was in the studio working on an instrumental version.

Here is a version with vocals.

This is for promotion only. The original song is here.


Dynamite (RaWu Bootleg)

I colleague from USA told me that there is a song on air all the time. Dynamite from BTS.

She asked me if it would be possible to create a dance version of it.

And here it is…

This is for promotion only.


Fake News

I saw the discussion of the two candidates of the election for the president of the United States Donald Trump and Joe Biden on TV.

The next day I sat in my studio and worked on a new song. It should be something faster. Some hours later I had the basis of a nice melody. I saved my project and had been asked for a name. I remembered the confrontation on TV and entered “Fake News”.

From this time on the name persisted until I finished the song.


Last Day of Holiday

It was raining outside so I had time to do some creative work in my studio. I composed this track on the last day of my holiday.


Bring the Bass Back

I cannot remember where I got the inspiration from exactly. It was more experimenting with new features of my DAW.

Maybe got the idea during walking through the nature to leave the fourth kick away.


Falling in Love

This song is dedicated to my beloved wife for the twentieth wedding anniversary.

I got the inspiration while I watched Columbo “No Time to Die”, the only episode with no murder. This tune started at the beginning during a wedding party.

I also crated a version with the original vocals of Elvis Presley.

Flying Over Water

It was a rainy day. The rain pounded on the window.
I sat in my studio and played arround with some chords. Maybe the rain inspired me for this track.


Baby Elephant

During the Corona crisis our government in Austria published a lot of rules. One of them was to keep distance to each other of one meter – like the size of a baby elephant.

Several months later I saw a new ad about how to behave during holiday season. A police man explained to check before travelling if it is possible to keep the distance while I could hear an elephant trumpeting in the background (a great idea of the advertising agency).

A view hours later it rained and I started composing a song with this trumpeting elephant in my mind. I found a free sound sample and built around the music.
