A TV station broadcasted all James Bond films. The first one (“Dr. No“) contains a scene with Sean Connery and Ursula Andress had a scene where she sang this song.
This inspired me to create this dance version. I took the original vocals from Diana Coupland. It was my first project where I used vocals in this way.
I saw the discussion of the two candidates of the election for the president of the United States Donald Trump and Joe Biden on TV.
The next day I sat in my studio and worked on a new song. It should be something faster. Some hours later I had the basis of a nice melody. I saved my project and had been asked for a name. I remembered the confrontation on TV and entered “Fake News”.
From this time on the name persisted until I finished the song.
This song is dedicated to my beloved wife for the twentieth wedding anniversary.
I got the inspiration while I watched Columbo “No Time to Die”, the only episode with no murder. This tune started at the beginning during a wedding party.
I also crated a version with the original vocals of Elvis Presley.
During the Corona crisis our government in Austria published a lot of rules. One of them was to keep distance to each other of one meter – like the size of a baby elephant.
Several months later I saw a new ad about how to behave during holiday season. A police man explained to check before travelling if it is possible to keep the distance while I could hear an elephant trumpeting in the background (a great idea of the advertising agency).
A view hours later it rained and I started composing a song with this trumpeting elephant in my mind. I found a free sound sample and built around the music.