Inspired by Jazz

My son had to create a presentation about Jazz in school. On one slide he listed the common instruments like trumpet or clarinet.
To pimp up the slides, I recommend to add the sounds of the listed instruments.
In GarageBand he found a nice autoplay chord for the clarinet.

This inspired my to create this piece of music.

Categorized as Music, Own

Tante Marie

1984 the Austrian composer and songwriter Ludwig Hirsch published the song “Tante Marie” with a funny text.

I remembered it and experimented with a drummer. The outcome is this instrumental version.

This is for promotion only. The original is here.

Categorized as Music, Own


This was also an output from playing around with GarageBand. The complete song I named „Fourth“.

Categorized as Music, Own


I don‘t know where this file was coming from. „Suddenly“ I had it in my file list. I finished it to a nice song and named it „Third“.

Categorized as Music, Own


My second song I created on my iPhone had some little influence from a Today at Apple session – but nothing special. So I named it „Second“.

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This was the first complete song I composed on my iPhone. I had some drum patterns and chords tries before, but without any goal. 

As I had no special inspiration or reason to create it I just called it simply „First“. 

Categorized as Music, Own

My Time in Your Hands

Some weeks ago I joined a furniture of my wife’s 3rd degree aunt. The choir sang a song during communion that inspired me to create a dance version. This is without words an instrumental version, but you can sing it with all 3 verses.

The original composer is Peter Strauch.

Also many thanks to Brigitte C. for her support.

Categorized as Music, Own


In my childhood there was a TV show for children called Am Dam Des. The signature tune sang some children in the off. I created now a modern version of it.

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Playing Tennis is my hobby. During winter season I tried to record services and shots to create a song. But the sound quality was horrible within the indoor tennis center.

Now I finalised it to start the summer season.

Categorized as Music, Own